Sunday, 23 July 2017

Afternoon Walk

The other day I decided the weather was far to nice to stay indoors. (Although at the time i`m writing this, it is pouring with rain) Me and Louis decided to go on a little walk round the meadow near where we live, which took much longer than I first thought. 

When we got to the meadow after stopping every 2 minuets to pick up leaves and stones, we finally made it to the meadow. As there is a lot of open space and very popular for dog walking, Louis went running off and of course falling over. There is normally not a lot of flowers in the grass, however while chasing after Louis, we found a couple of daisy`s by the pathway.

After running around the meadow for a good hour, Louis decided to sit with the daisy`s and start picking them. After him trying to say daisy for a while he ended up getting bored and decided it was home time.

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