Friday, 11 August 2017


Tonight's the night I have finally put my first YouTube video up! 

I have been debating whether or not to step out of my comfort zone and put myself out on the crazy internet world. Filming the video was the most crazy, funnest thing I have ever done, and am so glad I have now done this. 

I have learnt from this that I suck majorly at editing as it took me 2 night to do, but suppose practice makes perfect aha, and I enjoyed filming so much i wont let the crazy amount of time it took me to prepare get in the way of produce more content for my channel.

I have decided I want my YouTube channel to be a bit of everything rather than focusing on one particular thing. My content will be:
  • Beauty Videos
  • Vlogs
  • Chatting Videos
  • Tags

Link to my YouTube!!

Sunday, 23 July 2017

Afternoon Walk

The other day I decided the weather was far to nice to stay indoors. (Although at the time i`m writing this, it is pouring with rain) Me and Louis decided to go on a little walk round the meadow near where we live, which took much longer than I first thought. 

When we got to the meadow after stopping every 2 minuets to pick up leaves and stones, we finally made it to the meadow. As there is a lot of open space and very popular for dog walking, Louis went running off and of course falling over. There is normally not a lot of flowers in the grass, however while chasing after Louis, we found a couple of daisy`s by the pathway.

After running around the meadow for a good hour, Louis decided to sit with the daisy`s and start picking them. After him trying to say daisy for a while he ended up getting bored and decided it was home time.

Monday, 17 July 2017

First Post

Hello! I have been debating whether to start a blog for a while now, so today I bit the bullet and decided to start typing away. I want to start posting about fashion, life and make up as they are huge passions of mine and have been for a while. But first I just want you all to get to know me.

My name is Alisha Jeffrey and am 19 years old. I have a 19 month little boy called Louis who has honestly changed my life for the best, making me a better version of myself. I currently live in a small village on the outskirts of Essex with my Dad and family, but I am hoping to make the big move out of home and into a place of my own finally.


As well as starting my blog I have also started my own YouTube channel creating similar content as to what will be on here in the future. I spend so much time watching different videos that I thought i should start making videos with my own twist. 

So now you know probably the most interesting things in my life - which is not a lot aha. 
Speak to you all in my next post
